HOME | Compiled Service Records for 21st Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Jan & Feb 1864 shows station, Canton, Miss. RECORD OF EVENTS Embarked Jan 28/64 on board Steamer Sir Wm Wallace for Vicksburg, Miss. were fired upon by guerillas abreast of Island No. 71 form the Mississippi side, force seen was from 50 to 75 men: arrived in Vicksburg 3 miles from the city; Remained in camp until the Enemy of the 2nd Feb commenced march March with 1st Brig 3rd Div 10 Army Corps enroute for Meridian Miss; on the morning of the 4th Feb were placed in advance in column, were engaged in skirmishing in the afternoon 20 miles west of Jackson, Miss. arrived in Meridian, Miss on the 14th Feb 1864, were engaged in destroying R.R. on V & ?R on the 15th marched NE to Canton Miss. Camped. Distance marched 280 miles. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Mch & Apr 1864 shows station, Columbus, Ky RECORD OF EVENTS Reg't left Canton, Miss Mch 1/64, arrived at Vicksburg, Miss Mch 4, distance 65 miles. Mch 5th embarked on Str John J. Roe arrived in Memphis, Tenn. Mch 8th Disembarked, Encamped 2 1/2 miles South of the City, Mch 14th embarked on the Str "Belle of St. Louis" arrived at St. Louis Mo Mch 17th marched to Benton Barracks St. Louis Mo. Mch 19th Rec'd Vet furlough of 30 days, returned to B.B. Apr 19 were Quartered in barracks until Apr 29th when Reg't embarked on the Str Henry Von Phul arrived at Cairo Ill on Apr 20, reembarked on Str Sunshine & arrived in Columbus Ky on Apr 30 emcamped on hill to the rear of the city. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for May & June 1864 shows station, La Grange, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS Marched from Columbus Ky May 5 to Clinton Ky. 6th inst. Resumed march to Philisaram (sp) Ky 7th inst to Mayfield Ky; 8th inst to Clinton, 9th inst returned to Columbus. distance eighty miles, remained in camp until 17th May. Embarked on Str John J. Roe under orders with fleet for Vicksburg Miss arrived on the 20th inst Left Post for Red River arrived at the mouth of Red River 21st inst. debarked remained on shore during the night? Distance (800) miles. Embarked on 22nd inst returning to Vicksburg, Miss. with fleet arrived at 1 o'clock on the morning May 24, remained at Vicksburg until May(?) 4th embarked on Str John J. Roe arriving within fifteen miles of Columbia Ark. debarked marched across a peninsula passing through lake Village joined fleet 3 miles above Columbia distance marched (25) miles. On the 8th inst moved up the River and arrived at memphis Tenn. June 10th. 12th inst marched from camp to Charleston Depot embarked on cars, went to Colliersville to cover Gen'l Sturgis's retreat returned to White station June 12th went to Colliersville on evening of the 13th inst returned to Memphis 14th inst remained in camp until June 25th embarked on cars went to Moscow; 27th inst marched to La Grange Tenn, camped on Wolf River until June 30/ 64. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for July & Aug1864 shows station, Memphis, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS July 5th resumed march from La Grange Tenn to Tupelo, via Pontotoc Miss; arrived at Tupelo July 13, and were engaged in combat with the enemy on the 14th July: Left the battle field at 7 a.m. July 15; July 16 were engaged in skirmish with the enemy, returned to Colliersville, Tenn July 23rd and embarked on cars and arrived at Memphis Tenn 4 P.M. were encamped 2 miles South of the City of Memphis Tenn, where we remained until Aug 7/64 Marched to M & C Depot returned to an enclosure East of Memphis. Biovaced during the night, returned to depot. Aug 8th embarked on cars and arrived in Holly Springs, Miss at 3 P.M. camped on a hil SE of town: Aug 11 marched 3 1/2 miles East and returned under orders of Maj Gen'l Smith recamped on same ground until Aug 17 resumed march to Waterford; 18th resumed march towards Oxford, Miss on 21 Aug relieved cavalry skirmishers and drove the enemy from the front; arriving within 2 miles of Oxford, Miss. returned and marched to Memphis Tenn arriving Aug 30. Distance marched 360 miles. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1864 shows station, In the Field Pleasant Hill RECORD OF EVENTS Remained in camp near Memphis, Tenn. until Sept 5 then embarked on Str. (W.R. Arthur) for Cairo, Ill. and arrived in Jefferson Barracks Sept. 17, remained there until Sept 27, then stated on expedition for Desoto, Mo. under command of Maj. Gen'l Smith and removed to Jefferson Bks on the 29th Sept 1864, Remained until 2nd Oct and started on expedition through Missouri under command of Maj Gen'l Smith via Jefferson City, Lexington, Harrisonville and returned to Pleasant Hill, Mo. Distance marched from Jeff Bks 500 miles. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1864 shows station, Nr Lawrenceburg, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS Left Pleasant Hill, Mo Oct 31, marched to St. Louis, Mo., by way of Lone Jack, Champion Hill, Lexington, Dover, Waverly, Glasgow, Fayette, Columbia, Williamsburg, High Hill, Warrenton, & St. Charles; Arrived at St. Louis, Mo., Nov 18, went into camp at Camp Gamble, remained there until the 24th embarked on Str. Marc. Left St. Louis on the 25th Arrived at Cairo, Ill. on the 28th left Cairo under orders to report Nashville Tenn arrived at Nashville on the 2nd Dec went into camp 2 1/2 miles South of the City. remained there until the 15th were engaged in Battle of Nashville Tenn 15th & 16th Dec 1864. 17th started in pursuit of the enemy. marched through Franklin, Spring hill, Columbia, Linville, Pulaski and Laurenceburg. Mustered near Lawrenceburg. Whole distance marched since last muster 361 Miles. 1862-1863 1865-1866 ![Next Page](21/hndarrw01d.gif) Return to 21st Missouri Homepage . The information on this web site is for your personal use only. All pages, files, compilations, transcriptions, abstracts, and scanned images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied in whole or in part and published or redistributed in any manner without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster. ![](21/21lgdivider.jpg) Copyright © 1999-2003 Brenda Schnurrer . All rights reserved. |