Compiled Service Records for 21st Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for May & June 1862 shows station, Chewalla Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS Regiment detached from 1st Brigade 6th Division June 11, 1862 for Outpost Duty at Chewalla Tenn. 10 miles west of Corinth, Miss. on the Memphis & Charleston R.R. arrived here June 11, 1862 at 8 oclock P.M. nothing of note transpired since our coming here. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for July & Aug 1862 shows station, Corinth, Miss. RECORD OF EVENTS (Blank) Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1862 shows station, Union City, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS Head Quarters moved from Canton Mo on the 17th day of Nov to Memphis Scotland Co Mo returned to Canton Dec 8th on the 11 marched from Canton to Mason City and on the 12th took cars for St. Louis; on the 18th left St. Louis on Steam Boat Maria Denning, arriving at Columbus Ky on the Eve of the 20th. Now stationed at Union City, Tenn. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for May & June 1863 shows station, (blank) RECORD OF EVENTS The Reg't marched from Clinton Ky to Columbus Ky May 11, 1863 embarked on board Steamer Sultana en route to Memphis, Tenn. Arrived at Memphis May 13/63, diembarked and marched2 1/2 miles South of the City, camped June 19th marched 15 miles South to relieve Maj. Henry 5th Ohio Cav. who was engaging the Enemy near Hernando, Miss. Returned on the morning 20th June as ordered & have since been encamped 2 1/2 miles South of City Memphis Tenn. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for July & Aug 1863 shows station, Memphis, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS The Reg't for the past two months has been stationed 2 miles South from Memphis, Tenn. On the (_?_) Lake doing Picket duty. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Sept & Oct 1863 shows station, Memphis, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS Reg't has been stationed 2 1/2 miles South from the City of Memphis Tenn doing Picket Guard duty on picket line from the Mississippi River on the right to the Memphis & Jackson R.R. on the left distance 1 1/2 miles extent of line. Field & Staff 21 Missouri Infantry Field and Staff Muster Roll for Nov & Dec 1863 shows station, Memphis, Tenn. RECORD OF EVENTS Reg't since last muster has been stationed 2 1/2 miles from the city of Memphis, Tenn. doing picket guard duty on picket line from the Mississippi River on the right. 1864 1865-1866 Return to 21st Missouri Homepage . The information on this web site is for your personal use only. All pages, files, compilations, transcriptions, abstracts, and scanned images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied in whole or in part and published or redistributed in any manner without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster.  Copyright © 1999-2003 Brenda Schnurrer . All rights reserved. |