On the following pages is a mix of pension documents, service records, discharge papers, etc. and also some letters that soldiers' descendants have been kind enough to share with the rest of us. Please help make this site more than just lists of dry facts. Please Email me if you have anything that we could add to this section.

Company A Soldiers:
George Heldstab
Company B Soldiers:
None yet - Can you help?
Company C Soldiers:
John P. Pedigo
Company D Soldiers:
Henry McGonigle
Company E Soldiers:
Joseph Boone Jr.
Sylvester Boone
William Burk
Joseph Davis
Company F Soldiers:
William P. Allyn
Richard D. Andrews
Benjamin C. Campbell
John Comstock
Calvin L. Spurgeon
Robert A. Vaughan
Company G Soldiers:
Solomon James
Matthias Roseberry
James Knox Polk Wilson
Company H Soldiers:
Joseph A. Crandall
George W. Hays
Jonathan Johnson
Company I Soldiers:
Benjamin Cope
Henry Rugh
Company K Soldiers:
John Nelson
Stephen Werly
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