![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | JOSEPH BOONE, SR. DEPENDENT FATHER OF SYLVESTER BOONE Of Company E Kindly transcribed and donated to this site by Lisa Rieger DEPENDENT FATHER’S PENSION No 247,933 Joseph Boone, Sr., Edina, Knox Co., MO Father of Sylvester Boone Private Co. "E" 21 Mo. Vol. Inf. Died at Mobile, Ala 1866, Disease No other claim July 31, 1879, Buck(?) Clerk Application filed July 7, 1879 Attorney: Tucker & Bishop Present Submitted for rejection Sept 20, 1887, Cha? W. Thompson, Examiner. Approvals: Approved for rejection; neglected more than 3 years and apparently abandoned. Sept 27, 1887 Important dates: Enlisted February 29th, 1864, Mustered Feb 29, 1864 Died March 17th, 1866 Declaration filed July 7th, 1879 Death of Mother April 1864 ====================================== Submitted for rejection on the ground of the neglect and apparent inability of the claimant to furnish proof showing marriage, birth of soldier, contributions and dependence. Called for March 12, 1879 – No evidence furnished since Sept 1, 1879 and Oct 4, 1882. The claim has been abandoned for over three years. ========================================= DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR PENSION OFFICE Washington D.C. April 27, 1882 TO: TUCKER & BISHOP You will not be recognized as the Attorney of record in the pension claim #247.933 of Joseph Boone, Sr., as dependent father of Sylvester Boone, late Pvt. Co. "E" 21 Mo Vols, until you shall file a power of attorney from the claimant. Very respectfully Wm. W. Dudley Commissioner POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by the presents that I, Joseph Boone, Sr. of Brashears P.O., County of Adair, in the State of Missouri have made,……constitute and appoint TUCKER & BISHOP of Washington D.C……..to prosecute to completion my claim for Pension No 247,933 as father of Sylvester Boone of Co "C" 21st Mo Vol Inft………. In witness whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal this eighth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty two. Witnesses:
Joseph Boone (signed with an "X") ================================================ INDEX FATHER’S CLAIM NO. 247,933 #1 Joseph Boone, clmt, Edina Knox Co. MO July 7, 1879 Declaration #2 Adjutant General, U.S. Army May 14, 1880 Military history of soldier. Died March 17, 1866 at Mobile Ala. #3 Surgeon General, U.S. Army Jan 19, 1883 Hospital record death of soldier March 17, 1866 of Small Pox #4 John W. Lee, M.D., Edina, Knox Co., MO Sept 1, 1879 Physical disability of father #5 Frank P. Hall, Edina Knox Co., MO Sept 1, 1879 Assessed for no property #6 Henry McConigle and W.P. McConigle, Edina, Knox Co., MO Sept 1, 1879 Dependence, no property #7 Henry McConigle and W.P. McConigle, Edina, Knox Co., MO Sept 1, 1879 Celibacy of Soldier, Death of Mother. ======================================== (Statement of Joseph Boone) State of Missouri County of Knox On this 9th day of June A.D. 1879 personally appeared before the undersigned a clerk of the Circuit Court of Knox County, MO. A court of record, Joseph Boone, a resident of the County of Knox and State of Missouri, aged Eighty Nine years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provisions made by the act of Congress approved July 14th 1862 that he is a widower and father of Sylvester Boone, who was a private in Company "E" 21st Regiment Missouri Vol. Infantry, Commanded by Capt E. B. Scheaffer, in the 21st Regiment aforesaid in the war of 1861 who died in the small pox hospital at Mobile in the State of Alabama of small pox in the spring of 1866 at which time and place he died of small pox. We further declare that his…..son upon whom he was wholly dependent for support having left no widow or minor child under sixteen years of age surviving, declarant makes this application for a pension under the above mentioned act, and refers to the evidence filed herewith, and that in the proper department, to establish his claim. He also declares that he has not, in any way, been engaged in or abetted or aided the rebellion in the United States, that he is not in the receipt of a pension under the second section of the act above mentioned, or under any other act, nor has he again married since the death of his son the said Sylvester Boone. Joseph Boone X His Mark Also personally appeared Samuel M. Smith and Edgar Marquess, residents of the County of Knox, State of Missouri persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled? to credit?, and who being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw him sign his name to the foregoing declaration and they further swear that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of the applicant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person he represents himself to be. Samuel M. Smith Edgar Marquess Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of June 1879 and I hereby……. Henry Shultz, Circuit Clerk Applicant’s P.O. Address is Joseph Boone, Edina, Knox Co., Missouri ====================================== War Department Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, D.C., May 13, 1880 Sirs: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt……application for Pension #247,933…… It appears from the rolls on file in the office that Sylvester Boone was enrolled on the 29th day of Feb, 1864 at Hannibal MO in the Co. 21 Regiment of MO Volunteers to serve 3 years or during the wa, and mustered into service as a Private, on the 29th day of Feb, 1864, at Hannibal MO, in the Co. 21 regiment of MO Volunteers, to service 3 years or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. "D" of the Regiment, for the months of from date of Muster to Oct 31, 1865 her is reported present for duty. Nov and Dec 1865 absent on detached service per S.O. #106 ……???……Dept of Ala? Nov 12, 1865 Jan and Feb 1866 absent on detached service Dept? Ala? Muster out roll dated April 19th 1866 reports him died at Post Hospital, Mobile Ala March 17th 1866. Record of death and interment corroborates the above date and place of death of small pox. ===================================================== War Department Surgeon General’s Office Record and Pension Division Washington D.C. Jan 19th 1883 Sir: I have the honor to return herewith your request for a report of hospital treatment in Claim no 247933 with such information as is furnished by the records filed in this office, viz: that Sylvester Boone Private Co E 21 Mo Vol. Was admitted to Post Hospital Mobile Ala March 4, 1866 with Small Pox and died March 17, 1866 of said disease. GENERAL AFFIDAVIT State of Missouri County of Knox In the matter of Joseph Boone on this 16th day of August A.D. 1879, personally appeared before me, a Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, John W. Lee, M.D., aged 44 years, a resident of Edina in the County of Knox and State of Missouri and……declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows: I have known Joseph Boone for about thirteen years and during this time believe from his appearance to have been totally unfit to earn a living by manual labor. I have no professional knowledge whatever of the above named applicant but formed an opinion from his aged and decrepit appearance. I further declare that I have not interest in said case and not concerned in it prosecution. John W. Lee, M.D. (Note by Lisa: John W. Lee married Nancy Ellen Crawford Dec 22, 1859. She is an older sister of my 2nd great grandmother, Ratoria Crawford) ============================================================= GENERAL AFFIDAVIT State of Missouri County of Knox In the matter of Joseph Boone, Sr. On this 8th day of July a.d. 1879 personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, Henry McConigle aged 45 years, a resident of Edina in the County of Knox and State of Missouri and W.P. McGonigle aged 36 years, a resident of Edina in the county of Knox and State of Missouri well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows: We were well aquainted with Sylvester Boone before and at the time of his death and know that he left no widow or minor child he was never married, his mother died about the middle of April 1864. The reason we are aware of the above facts are that we have both been neighbors of Sylvester Boone from his birth until his enlistment in the 21st MO Infty Vols and Henry McGonigle served as Leiut. And afterwards Cops & Major of the said 21st Missouri Vols. They further declare that they have no interest in said case and are not concerned in it prosecution. Henry M. McGonigle William P. McGonigle ====================================================== GENERAL AFFIDAVIT State of Missouri County of Knox In the matter of Joseph Boone On this 1st day of August a.d. 1879 personally appeared…….Frank P. Hall, a resident of Edina in the County of Knox….. I am the Clerk of the County of Knox State of Missouri and am the custodian of the tax records of said County, Joseph Boone had assessed against him in the year 1865 eighty eight (88) cents; levied on personal property, but at not time since 1865 has he been assessed for taxes. Nor within this time has he been assessed for any Real Estate or property of any kind. I know these facts from personal examination of the records aforesaid, He further declare that he has no interest in said case, and is not concerned in its prosecution Frank P. Hall …County Clerk The information on this web site is for your personal use only. All pages, files, compilations, transcriptions, abstracts, and scanned images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied in whole or in part and published or redistributed in any manner without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster. Copyright © 1999-2003 Brenda Schnurrer . All rights reserved. |