![]() ![]() | The 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Page 25 cont'd FOURTEENTH ANNUAL RE-UNION BRASHEAR, Mo., Aug. 28-29, 1901. The meeting of the 21st Mo. Veterans was called to order by Captain McCreery of the 119th Illinois. Among other things Comrade McCreery said was that it was a pleasure to have the honor of calling a meeting of the gallant old 21st Missouri to order. He then referred to our record and said, of all the grand regiments in the civil war the old 21st was entitled to first honors. He then introduced W.S. Vawter, a son of a veteran, who paid a glowing tribute to the soldiers of '61-'65, and in eloquent and feeling words bade us a hearty welcome. Comrade Johnson of the 21st responded to the address of welcome in a nice speech of thanks.Page 26 Registering and greetins occupied the time until the noon hour. Meetig then adjourned until 2 p.m. for a business session. 2 P.M. - The Secretary called the business meeting to order and formally announced the death of the President of the Association, Major A.C. Roberts. The Vice President not being present, on motion Conrade J. Johnson was elected President pro tem. On taking the chair Comrade Johnson thanked the comrades for this honor. The regular order of business was then called and the Secretary read the minutes of the last annual re-union at Memphis, Mo. On motion minutes were approved. The Secretary then addressed the President and stated he had drawn some resolutions on the death of President Major A.C. Roberts, which he would now red and then move their adoption. WHEREAS, Major Abel C. Roberts, Surgeon of the 21st Missouri, and President of the 21st Missouri Veteran Volunteer Association, distinguished in war and peace, always exemplifying in life, Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty, be it Resolved, That we have heard with deep and profound sorrow that our Comrade has passed to the eternal camping ground above, having met a foe he could not conquer. In war he served his country with unwavering fidelity; as a citizen he stood for the best civilization known to mand and was rock and steel in every storm of life; he possessed genuine qualities of comradeship and brotherhood, and never passed by on the other side and left a comrade to suffer for want of help. we can justly pay this tribute to one never found wanting in patriotism, in courage, in citizenship and in helpful human service. We miss his genial smile and wise counsel, but will ever cherish his memory and strive to emulate his noble character. To the family we extend our sincere sympathy in their sorrow. And it be Resolved, As a further mark of esteem and respect for our departed Comrade and President, that our flag be draped in mourning during our re-union, these resolutions spread upon the records of our Association and a copy furnished the family of the deceased.Page 27 Mr. President, I now move the adoption of these resolutions. They were unanimously adopted by a standing vote. On motion business meeting adjourned until 8:00 o'clock a.m. the 29th. 8 A.M. Aug. 29th. - Business meeting called to order by President. the election of officers being the first order of business, on motion Comrade Jonathan Johnson was elected President, Michael Cashman, Vice President, and T.W. Holman, Secretary and Treasurer, for the ensuing year. Place holding our next annual re-union was then taken up. On motion it was decided to hold our next annual re-union at Quincy, Illinois, and at the time the 3d Mo. Cavalry and 50th Illinois Infantry held their annual re-union in that city in 1902. FINANCIAL REPORT Aug. 29, 1901 Thirty-four comrades of the 21st Missouri were in attendance at this re-union, from Missouri, Illinois, Okalahoma Territory and Iowa, the lowest number attending any re-union. On motion the thanks of the Association were tendered the members of the Thomas J. Ryan Post, Department of Missouri, the ladies of the W.R.C. and the citizens of Brashear, for their generous hospitality and courteous treatment during our re-union.. No further business appearing adjourned to meet in Quincy, Illinois, in 1902. T.W. HOLMAN, Sec'y. Return to 21st Missouri Homepage . The information on this web site is for your personal use only. All pages, files, compilations, transcriptions, abstracts, and scanned images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied in whole or in part and published or redistributed in any manner without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster. Copyright © 1999-2003 Brenda Schnurrer . All rights reserved. |