![]() ![]() | The 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Page 13 cont'd ELEVENTH ANNUAL RE-UNION EDINA, MO., Sept. 20th, 1898. There was a large attendance of the veterans of both sides of the bloddy struggle for the sixties. Fully five thousand people were on teh fair grounds on pleasure bent. Soldiers and citizens, Lee's warriors and Grant's veterans, their wives, their children and grandchildren, made up the crowd, and a happier and more congenial gathering never assembled in Edina. The Knox City Glee Club began the day's entertainment with a choice selection of music. Hon. D.A. Rouner then delivered an address, welcoming the visitors to the hospitalities of Edina. He spoke eloquently of the occasion being a harmonious, fraternal gathering of those "who wore the blue, and those who wore the gray." His speech was frequently applauded. T.W. Holman responded on behalf of the veterans in his usual brief and happy vein.Page 14 BUSINESS MEETING - President A.C. Roberts presided and called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Minutes of last annual meeting read and approved. The committee appointed at Canton to procure a regimental flag, reported by presenting the flag which was accepted amidst loud applause. The flag is nine feet wide and twenty feet long with a long cord and tassel, with thirty-seven pieces of stencil work in metal attached to the cord, the pieces bearing the names of the battles participated in by the regiment. The President, on motion, named Sergeant W. O'Connor and J. Johnson, Flag Color Sergeants. On motion the Secretary was appointed Custodian of all regimental property. The place holding the next re-union was taken up, and the President, in a felicitous speech, offered the hospitalities of his town, Fort Madison, Iowa, for the next meeting of the Association, and presented a cordial invitation from James B. Sample Post in support of his invitation, and, on motion, Fort Madison was selected and unanimously adopted as the place for holding the next annual re-union, and the President and Secretary appointed a committee to fix the date. Election of officers for the ensuing year:
Comrades N.D. Starr and T.W. Holman, Regimental Historians, submitted the result of their labors in manuscript form. A motion was then made and carried that T.W. Holman continue the labor and revise and prepare the manuscript for publication and have it printed for the use of the Association. The Secretary and Treasurer presented his report, which, on motion, was approved. Money from all sources received by Sec'y.......................................$24.95Page 15 Bills paid by Treasurer: Fifty-eight comrades attended and registered from the 21st Missouri. Short addresses were made by President Robers, N.D. Starr and Jonathan Johnson during the business session. Judge Marshall of the Supreme Court, Hon. W.T. Lloyd and Comrade A.N. Seber addressed the people at the grand stand during the day. The program for the third and last day was abandoned on account of the rain, and the eleventh annual re-union adjourned to meet at Fort Madison, Iowa, in 1899. T.W. HOLMAN, Sec'y Return to 21st Missouri Homepage . The information on this web site is for your personal use only. All pages, files, compilations, transcriptions, abstracts, and scanned images are protected by copyright law and may not be copied in whole or in part and published or redistributed in any manner without written consent of the author, contributor and/or webmaster. Copyright © 1999-2003 Brenda Schnurrer . All rights reserved. |