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The 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteer Association

Proceedings of Annual Re-Unions.

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Survivors of the 21st Missouri Infantry are requested to meet at Arbela, Missouri, August 18th. The object of the meeting is to effect a permanent organization, to unite the efforts of the boys to aid and assist each other in the hour of need, and enable the survivors to pay fitting honors to those who answer the summons first. Our old Commander, General Moore, is now past 70 years of age, and in the the natural course of life must ere long pay the debt of nature. Many of his old comrades who bore the brunt of the hailstorm of shot and shell through which the 21st conspicuously passed, with a devotion and gallantry seldom equalled, are now white headed men. Some are beginning to lean heavily on their canes and will ere long be marked "dead" on the rolls.

Rutledge, Mo., August 5th, 1888.

In response to the foregoing call comrades to the number of 73 met at Arbela, Missouri, August 18th, 1888, and organized the 21st Missouri Veteran Volunteer Infantry Association, and adopted the following rules for governing the same:
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1st. The name of this association shall be "The 21st Missouri Veteran Volunteer Infantry Association." The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
2d. Officers of the association shall be elected at the annual reunion of the Association and hold their offices until their successors are elected.
3d. All honorably discharged survivors of the 21st Missouri are declared members of this association.
4th. An honorably discharged comrade of another organization may become a member of this association as an honorary member.
5th. To defray the contingent expenses of the association the annual dues of each member of the association shall be 25 cents, and may be paid to the Secretary at the annual re-union or remitted by mail if unable to attend.
6th. These rules may be amended at any annual re-union by a majority vote of the members present.


On motion report adopted and committee discharged.
These officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Jonathan Johnson, Neva, Mo., President
D.B. Cravens, Arbela, Mo., Vice President
Armon Reynolds, Neva, Mo., Secretary
T.W. Holman, Rutledge, Mo., Treasurer

T.W. Holman, James P. Smith and Perry Dean were appointed committee on time and place of holding next annual re-union, and reported in favor of Kahoka, Mo., and time August 17th, 18th, 19th, 1889. Adopted and committee discharged.

The following letter was received from our old Commander, General David Moore:

Canton, Mo., August 15th, 1888.

My Dear Comrades :-- I was all ready to start for your camp; had the night watchman awake me at 3:30 o'clock this morning, but found myself unable to go on account of sickness. I feel greatly disappointed in not being able to meet my old comrades. Hope you will have a good time. Yours in F., C, and L.

D. Moore

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Collection taken and $1.57 contributed.
No disbursements.
To cash in hands of Treasurer, $1.57.
Adjourned to meet in Kahoka, Mo., Aug. 17-19, 1889.

(Note. - There was no secretary and no record of the re-union made. The forgoing account is compiled from letters, and reports made by me as chairman of committee. - T.W. HOLMAN.)

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