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Report of Maj. Edwin Moore, Twenty-first Missouri Infantry HEADQUARTERS 21st MO. INFANTRY VOLS. LIEUT. R. REES, SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by the 21st Mo. Vol. Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Corinth, Miss., on Friday and Saturday, the 3d and 4th day of October, 1862. After Col. Moore, commanding the regiment, was carried off the field, I assumed the command. The men were going back from their original position. With the assistance of the line officers I succeeded in rallying the men, who went boldly forward to the front and drove the enemy from the position that we occupied at the commencement of the engagement. As soon as the position was gained fighting became desperate, our lines being distant from those of the enemy less than fifty paces. The command held this ground until the force upon our right, consisting of artillery and infantry, had given away and was in full retreat. About this time the enemy was flanking us on our left and dense columns of infantry pressed us on our front. I ordered the regiment to retire. In doing so some of our men got scattered. We succeeded again in rallying the men, and formed on the flanks of a line being formed by Brig. Gen. McArthur, to construct a temporary breastwork of logs, and did so; but before completing the same we were ordered to a position on the extreme left in the vicinity of the seminary. We were engaged with the enemy while in this position. About 2:30 P.M. I was ordered to proceed to Battery C and report to Brig. Gen. McArthur. Having three companies of skirmishers in the rear, under his direction we scoured the woods but found no enemy excepting a few stragglers. We then took the south bridge road in the direction of Mr. Alexander's, the rebel cavalry fleeing before our advance. We succeeded in capturing a great number of prisoners, from one of whom I learned the rebel hospitals were i the vicinity. It was now dark. I pushed forward and took possession of all property and persons. A great many prisoners were taken that night and early next morning trying to escape thru the lines. The total number captured, including the wounded, amounted to nearly 900 officers and men. We alson captured 460 muskets, 400 cartridge boxes and a quantity of belts, etc. Under the instructions of Brig. Gen. McArthur I remained at the hospitals with the command until Sunday about noon, when Col. Moore took command of the regiment. Our loss during the engagement is one killed, seventeen wounded and six prisoners. I mention with satisfaction the behavior of the line officers. They used every exertion to keep their men together and remained with them during the engagement, thereby setting a good example to the men to do their duty. During the action a great many of our guns wre useless; after firing fifteen or twenty rounds of ammunition it was impossible to load them. I have the honor to be, Edwin Moore The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies Series I, Volume 17 (part 1) page 347 NO. 92
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